Project F

Participants needed for research on the brain mechanism of self-regulation (project from ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary)

Do you want to see your own live brain activity?

Do you want to gain some insight into modern techniques to record, analyse and modulate brain activity?

Do you want to contribute to important research on self-regulation (approach and avoidance)?

Are you healthy and can you understand written English reasonably well?

Then please join our experiment at the brain, memory and language lab at ELTE University (Damjanich utca 41, Budapest).

In short: during the experiment, you will fill out questionnaires and perform computer tasks while brain activity is recorded. Brain activity will be modulated by providing direct visual feedback on part of your brain activity, and the effect on primarily self-regulation variables will be assessed.

Please click here to view the detailed information letter/informed consent form.

Please click here for the data-processing statement

You will receive a 5000Ft MediaMarkt voucher for participation. Monetary compensation is not applicable if you participate in this study in the context of a course (e.g. to fulfill a course requirement / gain bonus credits).

Contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. Alexander Logemann, at if you have questions or for signing up for the experiment (please note that you can withdraw at any time).